Thursday, June 24, 2010

Vintage Denim Quilt

I have a new picnic blanket!

See how cute it looks on the grass...

or on our new picnic table!

Closeup of the quilting (1/2" from intersections, on denim only) and the stripey binding

This quilt was also made from fabric from my stash. A long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away) we had a free swap table at an activity for the ladies at church. Someone left this gigantic piece of floral fabric which no one wanted, so I grabbed it, thinking I could find something to do with it. It's been like a thorn in my side ever since, moving two different times with me because I couldn't waste a 10-yard piece of fabric, no matter if I could find something to do with it or not. (I'm trying to get over my pack-rat tendencies...) One day I had it against some old jeans and noticed it looked good, so the "vintage denim" theme was born! The binding is a little "out there," but I love it now that it is all put together. It may be intended for a picnic quilt, but so far has been snuggled in the house, waiting for the blasted rain to end so the grass is dry enough for a picnic. This quilt is a perfect summer weight for warming my cool feet but not overheating my whole body!

60" x 79"
6 1/2" denim squares -- you can cut 18-20 per pair of adult jeans
2 1/2" sashings and borders